Monday, June 14, 2010

Cake Ball Misfits

My husband, Tim, *LOVES* Cake Balls. He often jokes with me that he's going to have to start "placing an order" in order to get some cake balls around here. So I started a collection of cake balls for him I call the Cake Ball Misfits. They are a rag tag box of cake balls rolled with the last bit of cake in the bottom of the bowl. Inevitably there isn't the perfect amount so either I'm left with a HUGE cake ball or I can take the extra and roll a misfit.

Tonight I finally collected enough of these to dip him some. He was very excited. He put his glass of whole milk in the freezer while I dipped his cake balls and sat down to watch "Man vs. Food" and eat his Misfits.

He's so deprived, I tell you what!

Tim's Plate of Misfits.